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Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters杂志

Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters杂志

主管单位: 主办单位: 中国科学院大气物理研究所 国际刊号: 1674-2834 国内刊号: 11-5693/P 审稿时间: 1-3个月 曾用名: 复合影响因子: 0.55 更新时间: 2024-05-12 03:42:03
邮发代号: 2-429 创刊时间: 2008 类别: 大气科学 周期: 双月刊 出版地: 语言: 总编/主编: 开本: 16开

CSCD 中国科学引文数据库(2017-2018年度)(含扩展版)


Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters杂志介绍
  • Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters杂志

    《大气和海洋科学快报(英文版)》(Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters)(双月刊)创刊于2008年,由中国科学院大气物理研究所、中国气象学会主办。期刊的办刊宗旨和业务范围为,充分展示我国大气和海洋科学的研究成果,加强国内外学术交流和探讨,促进我国大气和海洋科学事业的发展,为中国的科学发展和经济建设服务。其办刊方针是“立足国内,面向国际,促进创新,追求精品”,其任务是报道国内外大气和海洋科学的最新科研成果。据该刊负责人表示,《快报》将竭诚为国内外大气和海洋科学领域的科学家服务,也希望得到广大专家、学者的大力支持,热诚欢迎大家踊跃投稿。

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    杂志信息网具有多年期刊服务经验,对待每一位客户,都必须严谨、负责。期刊投稿网期刊服务提供正规发票,我们承诺不成功全额退款。本站声明:本站Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters杂志非杂志社官网,信息来源与网络,完全免费共享,如有侵权,请联系我们删除或合作。

Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters杂志社投稿须知


Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters (AOSL) publishes original letters on all disciplines of the atmosphere sciences and physical oceanography. It features fast publication and is full Open Access. Contributions from all over the world are welcome.


Each article published in AOSL is published Open Access, which means that, upon payment of an article publishing charge (APC), the article is freely and permanently available on Taylor & Francis Group's online platform http://www.tandfonline.com/. There is no additional subscription fee, article pay-to-view fee or any other form of access fee; and no publication embargo is applied. More information about Taylor & Francis Open and Routledge Open: http://www.tandfonline.com/page/openaccess.


All submitted manuscripts should contain original research not previously published and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. AOSL have a length limit of 5500 words including figures (one figure is equivalent to 400 words), tables, references, and an abstract of no more than 250 words. All submissions should be made online at: www.iapjournals.ac.cn/aosl.


Each manuscript should have been carefully reviewed for correctness and clarity of expression before being submitted. The manuscript (including tables, references, and figure captions) must be double spaced, have wide margins, and all pages must be numbered consecutively.

Components of a manuscript Each manuscript should include the following components, presented in the order shown.

(1) Title, name and affiliation of each author, E-mail address of the corresponding author, and dateline. These items should be written on the title page.

(2) Abstract. A brief, concise abstract is required at the beginning of each manuscript. Authors should summarize their conclusions and methodology in the abstract. First person construction should not be used in the abstract, and references should be omitted since they are not available for abstracting services.

(3) Key words. 4-6 key words should be provided.

(4) Text. The text should be divided into sections, each with a separate heading and numbered consecutively (e.g.,1,1.1,1.1.1……)

(5) Acknowledgments. At the end of the paper, individuals, institutions, or funding agencies may be acknowledged.

(6) Appendix. Lengthy, mathematical analyses whose details are subordinate to the main theme of the paper should normally appear in an appendix. Each appendix should have a titie.

(7) References. References should be arranged alphabetically without numbering. The text citation should consist of the author's name and year of publication [e.g., "according to Huang (1990),“ or "as shown by an earlier study (Huang 1990)"]. When there are two or more papers by the same author in the same year, the distinguishing suffix (a, b, etc.) should be added.

(8) Figure captions. Each figure must be provided with a self-explanatory caption and all captions should be listed together. Authors should include captions below the figures used for the reviewer copies.

(9) Illustrations and tables. Each figure and table should be numbered consecutively and cited specifically in the text by number. All tables should have a title or legend.

Figures Authors should strive to submit their figures at the size they will appear in pubtication (but do not submit photocopy reductions in place of larger, higher quality originals), with the understanding that the technical editors will reduce the fIgures to the maximum extent possible while still preserving legibility.

Mathematical formulas, symbols, units Fractions and other complicated equation structures should not be arranged in text. Instead, complicated expressions can be centered on their own line by using the equation number in parentheses set flush right consecutively to facilitate their citation in the text. Different typefaces should be set for different kinds of variables. Scalar variables are set as italic, and vectors, matrices and tensors are set as bold italic (e.g., V). Subscripts or superscripts are usually set as lightface even when applied to vectors or matrices, and are set italic unless the subscript or superscript is an acronym or abbreviation (e.g., Qp, Ts, Vg, Vo, etc.). Units should be Sl with the exception of a few approved non-SI units of wide meteorological or oceanographic usage. Units should be set in roman font using exponents rather than the solidus (/) and with a space between each unit in a compound set  (e.g., ms-1 rather than m/s or ms-l).

References References must be complete and properly formatted. Please follow the description of the Journal's reference style: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/authors/style/reference/tf_ChicagoAD,pdf.


The author(s) is(are) requested to pay for copyediting and

hardcopies printing in addition to APC.

Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters杂志社审稿

  • 奇奇2005abc
    2019-11-28 10:41

    《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》让我收益匪浅,挺通俗易懂的。挺值得购买和品读的杂志,第一次在这个站订杂志,总体来说杂志纸质很好、没有破损。好评!!

  • 葡萄牙胡
    2019-11-15 12:37

    审稿流程相对很规范,审稿速度比较快,《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》外审专家给我的意见很到位,很负责任,审的也很细致,挺不错的,还有编辑态度好,工作效率高,经过多次的沟通修改,终于被杂志收录了。

  • 紫川膏
    2019-10-21 06:33


  • 一片余云
    2019-10-20 12:40


  • 宇宙星
    2019-07-04 03:58


  • 小仓凉子
    2019-06-12 08:12


  • 上帝是个娘们儿
    2019-05-16 02:59


  • 天呐凤梨
    2019-04-03 06:22

    《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》内容权威,分析有深度!我和朋友都在看,以前在邮局订的经常丢,经介绍到这个站来了。收到书后感觉还不错,价格优惠,客服态度也很好。重要的是再也不怕被偷杂志啦。

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